A Beautiful Legacy

An Ode to Janet Johnson
We have recently lost a dear friend. Janet Johnson was the wife of the late Rev. Dr. Lowell Johnson and the mother of 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Janet was a young 87-year-old in that she never stopped learning, sharing, and serving. Upon entering her home, you would see that her family and faith were at the center of her life.
Imagine this could be said of many of us who belong to a community of faith, yet Janet shined a light brighter than most. Janet resided at the Deaconess Abundant Life Communities where she was usually the first person to welcome new residents. She was active at both the Sudbury UMC and the Chapel in the Deaconess. We often talked about her faith and our shared love for prison ministry. She also had a particular interest in the peace efforts in the Middle East.
I first met Janet after a gift annuity presentation I gave at the Deaconess back in 2001. She was interested in making a gift, but also wanted more income to travel. A gift annuity was the perfect fit. Over the next 20 years, Janet purchased 19 gift annuities. The extra income afforded her the opportunity to travel, and in the last few years, helped her move to an upgraded unit at Deaconess. She would often remark that it was a win-win arrangement.
This week the Foundation will be preparing checks to 5 charities, including her church and Deaconess; a financial legacy to complement and complete her legacy of faithfulness. Many of us at the Foundation knew Janet, and we are saddened by the news of her death. There is, though, a peace knowing that her faith and the offering of her abundant good deeds, prepared her well for the embrace of Jesus. Surely, she was greeted with the words, "Well done, my good and faithful friend."
Written by Gary Melville / Foundation Director of Development